PLWGA Membership
The Prescott Lakes Women's Golf Association is open to all female golf members of The Club at Prescott Lakes. It is a dues-paying organization within The Club at Prescott Lakes licensed to authorize the issuing of USGA Handicap Indexes.
Dues $55+Applicable AGA Dues
PLWGA members are entitled to maintain a USGA-approved handicap administered by the PLWGA; attend PLWGA meetings; vote on issues brought forth to the membership; and participate in PLWGA-sponsored Play Days ($5.00 buy-in), tournaments & events.
Additionally, all members are encouraged to support our Northern Arizona District by joining NAWGA. NAWGA membership is required to be eligible to participate in any NAWGA competitions including TEAM PLAY. NAWGA Dues are $10.
Click the "ARIZONA GOLF ASSOCIATION" button below to complete the online Join/Renew process.
Dues $55+Applicable AGA Dues
PLWGA members are entitled to maintain a USGA-approved handicap administered by the PLWGA; attend PLWGA meetings; vote on issues brought forth to the membership; and participate in PLWGA-sponsored Play Days ($5.00 buy-in), tournaments & events.
Additionally, all members are encouraged to support our Northern Arizona District by joining NAWGA. NAWGA membership is required to be eligible to participate in any NAWGA competitions including TEAM PLAY. NAWGA Dues are $10.
Click the "ARIZONA GOLF ASSOCIATION" button below to complete the online Join/Renew process.